Preferred Medical

Important Notice: Phone Number Change

Our toll free number has changed as of March 13, 2025. The new number is (888) 811-4580. Please update your records accordingly. Thank you for your ongoing partnership!

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Experience The Wolf-Pak® Advantage

The Wolf-Pak® brand was established in 1998, with the introduction of the first Wolf-Pak® Dressing Change kit. This kit was developed to provide nursing care with a more streamlined dressing change process.

Our exclusive line of Wolf-Pak® Products lends a cost-effective and quality-assured alternative to other products on the market. Our products are designed for use in doctors’ offices, hospitals, infusion suites, or patients’ homes. With a focus on IV therapy and accessories, Wolf-Pak® products are manufactured with high-quality components and have gone through vigorous testing against other top brands. 

Our expansive Wolf-Pak® line focuses on all your Infusion needs

Just Launched Wolf-Pak® Products


New! MEDI-FLO® 5-Pack available now! These 5-Packs include 5 pumps per sterile pack minimizing time to open in the cleanroom and allowing less packaging waste.

EVA Empty Bags

NEW! Our Wolf-Pak® EVA Empty Bags are specifically designed to provide strong seals, extraordinary robustness, superior flex, crack and pin-hole resistance, plus desirable gas and moisture barrier performance.

See The Whole Line of Wolf-Pak® Products!


Wolf-Pak® Resources

We've put together a collection of various resources to help better understand Wolf-Pak® products, improve your business flow, and reduce your workload.

MEDI-FLO® Elastomeric Pump Resources

MEDI-FLO® Elastomeric Pumps are proven to be safe and effective and are a convenient alternative to electronic infusion pumps. Ideally suited for home infusion, long-term care and outpatient chemotherapy treatments. MEDI-FLO® pumps give the patient mobility and freedom to maintain an active lifestyle.

Download our MEDI-FLO® Elastomeric Pumps resources:

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