Preferred Medical

Winter Weather in Nashville, Delays Shipments

Customers scheduled to ship 1/9/25 and 1/10/25 may experience a delay of 24 to 48 hours in receiving their shipment. We anticipate schedules will be on track by early next week. Thank you for your continued support and will we keep you updated on our status. Preferred Medical Customer Service is operational and will respond to emails and phone calls at 800-722-7865.

Welcome to the new Preferred Medical Website

We are excited to launch our new website platform with numerous benefits including a streamlined ordering/checkout experience, product availability visibility, enhanced self-service capabilities and more! 

If this is your first time logging in after February 28th, 2022, you will need to click the ‘Forgot Password’ link from the login page. You also should have received an automated password reset communication to the email address associated with your online account.

Please use the following helpful resources to learn more about the new Wolf Medical website:

New Website FAQs
New Website Features
Account Features
How to Create New Users
How to Place Orders

If you have any issues accessing your account or need assistance, please contact your sales representative or call Customer Service by phone 800-722-7865 or email [email protected].

We look forward to growing our partnership and continuing to service your medical and infusion supply needs.